sâmbătă, 23 ianuarie 2010

Cats everywhere

This little poem was written in our English book...

"Cats, cats everywhere
On the bed and on the chair
On the desk and in the den
Well above the number ten!

Sitting on a dressing table
Eyeing up the TV cable
Cats, cats everywhere
Lurking on the chiffonier
Chewing on an antique chair
Having fun without a care!

Making mischief by the minute
Clawing a bag and all that's in it
Cats, cats everywhere
Curious and playful without a care..."

luni, 18 ianuarie 2010

Do You Like Winter?

It snows again! What is your opinion about this?

BOZONCU': Oh, no! I'll have to open another milk bottle!

ZOE: I'll meditate upon this problem!

ROSIE: Hurrah! Let's play!

JENI: Well, I think I'll sleep here with dad.

IVAN: Ha! Ha! It'll be great with the kids outside!

MISSOURI: Shhh! I'm sleeping, don't you see? It's snowing again? It doesn't matter!

Ninge cu premii!

Sakura împarte premii cu amândouă lăbuţele! Dar există şi un regulament:
1. Fiecare scriitor superior (S.S.) trebuie să dea mai departe premiul la cinci prieteni bloggeri speciali
2. Fiecare S.S. trebuie să îşi creeze o legătură pe net la blogul (şi autorul-blogger prieten) de la care el a primit premiul
3. Fiecare S.S. trebuie să îşi prezinte premiul pe blog şi să adauge un link la acest post, care explică ce este cu premiul
4. Fiecare S.S. care a câştigat premiul e rugat să viziteze acest post şi să îşi adauge numele la Mr. Linky List astfel încât să existe o evidenţă a fiecărui ins premiat
5. Fiecare S.S. trebuie să posteze aceste reguli pe blogul lui.
Păi, eu zic să meargă mai departe la... Corina, Chiti, Sasha, Trei Puncte şi Pisica Necunoscută Ce Târcoleşte Blogul Meu. :)

sâmbătă, 9 ianuarie 2010


Fetiţa, the bitch, made us a sweet present: 9 puppies. Who wants some? :)
Tatra, the rottweiler bitch, asked mom when will be her turn to such happiness... Lupu, the dog, said that he is the father.

miercuri, 6 ianuarie 2010

The Lucky Chinese Tag. From Kareltje :)

8 lucky questions, 8 lucky answers!

1) T.V. shows me and mom like to watch.

Romantic movies with cats
Animal Planet about cats
Sports with balls
Jamie Oliver's show

Horror and thriler movies

2)Favourite places to eat &drink

In the kitchen
In the dining room with the guests
In mommy's lap
On the table :)

Home, with my husband
At my favourite restaurant
On the grass at a sunny picnic
At the dining car

3)Things I look forward to...

Next meal
Hot summer
Fish in the menu
A good nap in mom's bed
Hot summer
Going on trips with my husband
Writing a book

4) Things that happened yesterday

I played with Rosie
I spit Zoe
I had a nice, big piece of meat at lunch
I hide from mom behind the fridge

I fed the whole family
I played with cats and dogs
I wrote on my blog
I had a long walk in the forest

5) Things I love about winter

The heating is on
We are allowed to stay inside
My pillow on the window sash

The landscape
I have more spare time
Winter holidays

6) Things I am passionate about

Playing games
Having babies
Hiding in unknown places
Climbing in the trees


7) Words/Phrases I often use

"I tell the truth"
"I'm not here"
"I didn't catch it"
"It's not me who stole/ broke/ swallowed..."

Yes, I'm right
Come here
I love you, sweetie
Who is hungry?

8) Things I've learnt from the past
Don't give the sparrow from my claw for the one on the fence
Eat now, don't spare for tomorrow
Keep close to mommy
Never trust men
Be grateful for every sunny day
Be kind with everybody
Keep your mouth shut from time to time
Don't close the door to anyone; it could be an angel!
And now, dear friends, I'd like this tag to go to:
Grişka, Pisu, Chiţi, Luky, Sakura, Corina, Sasha and the unknown cat who may read my blog... :)

luni, 4 ianuarie 2010

Leapşa :)

Dacă aş fi fost…
O lună: iulie
O zi a săptămânii: vineri
O parte a zilei: seara

O direcţie: est
O planetă: Venus
Un film: Truly, Madly, Deeply
Un lichid:cafea
O piatră: lapis-lazuli
Un tip de vreme: senin
Un instrument muzical: pian
O emoţie:speranţă
Un sunet: foşnetul frunzelor uscate

Un element: aer
Un cântec: Fur Elise
O carte: Pendulul lui Foucault
Un scriitor: Margaret Atwood
Un personaj de ficţiune: Catherine ( La răscruce de vânturi )
Un oraş: Atena

O aromă: scorţişoară
O culoare: verde
Un material: catifea
Un cuvânt: crede
O parte a corpului: mâna
O expresie a feţei: visare
Personaj de desene animate: Musette
O formă geometrică: piramida
Un număr: 7
Un mijloc de transport: tren
O haină: mantie